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ABD Shoulder Pillow

Shoulder Pain?

If you are ready to be living without constant shoulder pain, we have the answer.

ABD Shoulder Pillow

The ABD from Comfortland is a universal support and will comfotably fit most anybody.

Shoulder Pain Relief

The ABD shoulder pillow alleviates pain in the shoulder joint by fully supporting the shoulder, and lifting the weight of the arm off of the shoulder. This allows for the shoulder to rest comfortably in a natural position, and has extendable elastic straps so that range of motion is not hindered.

The support is universally fitting with an ambidextrous design that can easily be used for either the right or left shoulder interchangeably.

What does the ABD help with?

  • Rotator Cuff Repair
  • Bankart Repairs
  • Genohumeral Dislocations
  • Tissue Repairs
  • Shoulder Instability
  • Chronic Shoulder Pain